Pets need emergency preparedness too

  QUESTION:  We have all been told to be prepared for emergencies.  I am a pet owner and wondering if there is anything special that should be included in planning for their needs and safety?   ANSWER:  Planning for your pets needs and safety during an emergency is very important and much like planning for [...]

By |2019-04-08T18:22:34-07:00March 27th, 2019|News|0 Comments

Classes for seniors in our area

QUESTION:  A friend and I were talking about keeping busy and perhaps taking some classes.  She suggested that you have written about Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, known as “OLLI” in the past.  Do you have any information on upcoming offerings?   ANSWER:  Yes I do – a Spring ll 2019 catalog was just handed to [...]

By |2019-04-08T18:22:46-07:00March 13th, 2019|News|0 Comments
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